¶ A Song betweene Taurisius and Diana, aunswering
verse for verse. +
Taurisius. T He cause why that thou do’st denie To looke on me, sweete foe impart?
Diana. Because that doth not please the eye. Which doth offend and grieue the hart.
Taurisius. (5) What woman is, or euer was, That when she looketh, could be mou’d?
Diana. She that resolues her life to passe, Neither to loue, nor to be lou’d.
Taurisius. There is no heart so fierce and hard. (10) That can so much torment a soule:
Diana. Nor Shepheard of so small regard, That reason will so much controule.
Taurisius. How falls it out Loue doth not kill Thy crueltie with some remorce?
Diana. (15) Because that Loue is but a will, And free-will dooth admit no force.
Taurisius. Behold what reason now thou hast, To remedie my louing smart:
Diana. The very same bindes me as fast, (20) To keepe such danger from my hart.
Taurisius. Why do’st thou thus torment my minde, And to what end thy beautie keepe?
Diana. Because thou call’st me still vnkinde, And pittilesse when thou do’st weepe.
Taurisius. (25) Is it because thy crueltie In killing me doth neuer end?
Diana. Nay, for because I meane thereby, My hart from sorrow to defend.