Faustus. Thou do’st obserue, who doth not see, To be belou’d a great deale more: (10) But yet thou shalt not finde such store. Of loue in others as in me: For all I haue I giue to thee. Yet faine I would Loue thee more, if that I could.
Firmius. (15) O trie no other Shepheard Swaine, And care not other Loues to proue, Who though they giue thee all their loue: Thou canst not such as mine obtaine. And would’st thou haue in loue more gaine? (20) O yet I would Loue thee more, if that I could.
Faustus. Impossible it is (my friend) That any one should me excell In loue, whose loue I will resell, (25) If that with me he will contend: My loue no equall hath, nor end. And yet I would Loue her more, if that I could.
Firmius. Behold how Loue my soule hath charm’d, (30) Since first thy beauties I did see, (Which is but little yet to me,) My freest sences I haue harm’d (To loue thee) leauing them vnarm’d: And yet I would (35) Loue thee more, if that I could.