And would to God, Phillis where ere thou be, (50) Thy soule did see the sower of mine estate: My ioyes ecclips’d, for onely want of thee My being with my selfe at foule debate. My humble vowes, my sufferance of woe, My sobs and sighs, and euer-watching eyes: (55) My plaintiue teares, my wandring to and fro, My will to die, my neuer-ceasing cries.
No doubt but then these sorrowes would perswade, The doome of death, to cut my vitall twist: That I with thee amidst th’infernall shade, (60) And thou with me might sport vs as we list. Oh if thou waite on faire Proserpines traine, And hearest Orpheus neere th’Elizian springs: Entreate thy Queene to free thee thence againe, And let the Thracian guide thee with his strings.
FINIS. Tho. Watson.
¶ Faustus and Firmius sing to their Nimph by turnes . +
Firmius. O F mine owne selfe I doe complaine, And not for louing thee so much, But that in deede thy power is such That my true loue it dooth restraine, (5) And onely this doth giue me paine, For faine I wouldLoue her more, if that I could.