Calisto straite supposed loue, (50) Was faire and frolique for to loue. Dian she, Scap’d not free, For well I wote heere vpon, She lou’d the Swaine Endimion.
(55) Clitia , Phaebus, and Chloris eye Thought none so faire as Mercurie. Venus thus Did discusse By her Sonne in darts of fire: (60) None so chaste to check desire.
Dian rose with all her Maydes, Blushing thus at Loues braides, With sighs all Shew their thrall, (65) And flinging thence, pronounc’d this saw: What so strong as Loues sweete law?
FINIS. Ro. Greene.
ΒΆ Astrophell to Stella, his third Song. +
I F Orpheus voyce had force to breathe such musiques loue Through pores of sencelesse trees, as it could make them moue: If stones good measure daunc’d, the Thebane walls to build To cadence of the tunes, which Amphyons Lyre did yeeld: (5) More cause a like effect at least-wise bringeth, O stones, O trees, learne hearing, Stella singeth.