¶ The Shepheard Faustus his Song. +
A faire Mayde wed to prying Iealousie, One of the fairest as euer I did see: If that thou wilt a secret Louer take, (Sweet life) doe not my secret loue forsake.
(5) E Cclipsed was our Sunne, And faire Aurora darkened to vs quite, Our morning starre was done, And Shepheards star lost cleane out of our sight, When that thou didst thy faith in wedlock plight. (10) Dame Nature made thee faire, And ill did carelesse Fortune marry thee, And pitty with despaire It was, that this thy haplesse hap should be, A faire Mayde wed to prying Iealousie.
(15) Our eyes are not so bold To view the Sun, that flies with radiant wing: Vnlesse that we doe hold A glasse before them, or some other thing. Then wisely this to passe did Fortune bring (20) To couer thee with such a vaile: For heretofore, when any viewed thee, Thy sight made his to faile, For (sooth) thou art: thy beautie telleth me, One of the fairest as euer I did see.