Of the valour I sing: (60) Weake faith that no hope doth bring.
ΒΆ An excellent Pastorall Dittie. +
A Carefull Nimph, with carelesse greefe opprest, Vnder the shaddow of an Ashen tree: With Lute in hand did paint out her vnrest, vnto a Nimph that bare her companie. (5) No sooner had she tuned euery string: But sob’d and sigh’d, and thus began to sing.
Ladies and Nimphs, come listen to my plaint, on whom the cheerefull Sunne did neuer rise: If pitties stroakes your tender breasts may taint, (10) come learne of me to wet your wanton eyes. For Loue in vaine the name of pleasure beares: His sweet delights are turned into feares.