(15) The siluer scaled fish are seene, To glad our louely Sommer Queene.
The Woods at her faire sight reioyces, The little Birds with their lowd voyces, In consort on the bryers beene, (20) To glad our louely Sommer Queene.
The fleecie Flocks doe scud and skip, The wood-Nimphs, Fawnes, and Satires trip, And daunce the Mirtle trees betweene: To glad our louely Sommer Queene.
(25) Great Pan (our God) for her deere sake, This feast and meeting bids vs make, Of Shepheards, Lads, and Lasses sheene: To glad our louely Shepheards Queene.
And euery Swaine his chaunce doth proue, (30) To winne faire Amarganaes loue, In sporting strifes quite voide of spleene: To glad our louely Sommer Queene.
All happines let Heauen her lend, And all the Graces her attend. (35) Thus bid me pray the Muses nine , Long liue our louely Sommer Queene.