And Pan with all his Swaines came foorth, to heare the Shepheard sing. But such a Song sung neuer was, nor shall be sung againe: (35) Of Phillida the Shepheards Queene, and Coridon the Swaine. Faire Phillis is the Shepheards Queene, (was neuer such a Queene as she,) And Coridon her onely Swaine, (40) (was neuer such a Swaine as he.) Faire Phillis hath the fairest face, that euer eye did yet behold: And Coridon the constant’st faith, that euer yet kept Flock in fold. (45) Sweete Phillis is the sweetest sweet, that euer yet the earth did yeeld: And Coridon the kindest Swaine, that euer yet kept Lambs in field. Sweete Philomell + is Phillis bird, (50) though Coridon be he that caught her: And Coridon doth heare her sing, though Phillida be she that taught her. Poore Coridon doth keepe the fields, though Phillida be she that owes them: (55) And Phillida doth walke the Meades, though Coridon be he that mowes them. The little Lambs are Phillis loue, though Coridon is he that feedes them: The Gardens faire are Phillis ground, (60) though Coridon be he that weedes them. Since then that Phillis onely is, the onely Shepheards onely Queene: