Iolly Shepheard, Shepheard in the shade, (20) in the shade so merrily, in the shade so cherily, Ioy in thy life, life of Shepheards trade, Ioy in thy loue, loue full of glee: both sing and say; Sweet Loue for me.
(25) Iolly Shepheard, Shepheard here or there, here or there so merrily, here or there so cherily, Or in thy chat, either at thy cheere, In euery Iigge, in euery Lay: (30) both sing and say; Loue lasts for aye.
Iolly Shepheard, Shepheard Daphnis Loue, Daphnis loue so merrily, Daphnis loue so cherily, Let thy fancie neuer more remoue, (35) Fancie be fixt, fixt not to fleete, still sing and say; Loues yoake is sweet.
FINIS. Iohn Wootton.