Thy case doth make me rue, That thou should’st loue so true, (15) and be thus disdain’d: While their Flocks a feeding were, They did meete together there. Then with a curtsie lowe, And sighs that told his woe, (20) thus to her he plain’d.
Bide a while faire Phillida, List what Harpalus will say Onely in loue to thee, Though thou respect not mee, (25) yet vouchsafe an eare: To preuent ensuing ill, Which no doubt betide thee will, If thou doe not fore-see, To shunne it presentlie, (30) then thy harme I feare. Firme thy loue is, well I wot, To the man that loues thee not. Louely and gentle Mayde, Thy hope is quite betrayde, (35) which my hart doth greeue: Corin is vnkind to thee, Though thou thinke contrarie. His loue is growne as light, As is his Faulcons flight, (40) this sweet Nimph beleeue.