His beard it had not long beene shaue, (30) his haire hung all vnkempt: A man most fit euen for the graue, whom spitefull Loue had spent. His eyes were red and all fore-watcht, his face besprent with teares: (35) It seem’d vnhap had him long hatcht, in midst of his dispaires. His cloathes were blacke and also bare, as one forlorne was hee: Vpon his head he alwayes ware(40) a wreath of Willow-tree + . His beasts he kept vpon the hill, and he sate in the Dale: And thus with sighs and sorrowes shrill, he gan to tell his tale. (45) Oh Harpalus, thus would he say, vnhappiest vnder Sunne: The cause of thine vnhappy day, by loue was first begun. For thou went’st first by sute to seeke, (50) a Tyger to make tame: That sets not by thy loue a Leeke, but makes thy griefe a game. As easie were it to conuert the frost into a flame: (55) As for to turne a froward hart whom thou so faine wouldst frame. Corin, he liueth carelesse, he leapes among the leaues: He eates the fruites of thy redresse, (60) thou reap’st, he takes the sheaues.