ΒΆ Harpalus complaynt on Phillidaes loue bestowed on
Corin, who loued her not, and denyed him
that loued her . +
P Hillida was a faire maide, as fresh as any flower: Whom Harpalus the Heards-man praide to be his Paramour, (5) Harpalus and ekeCorin, were Heard-men both yfere: And Phillida could twist and spinne, and thereto sing full cleere. But Phillida was all too coy, (10) for Harpalus to winne: For Corin was her onely ioy, who forc’d her not a pinne. How often would she flowers twine? how often Garlands make: (15) Of Cowslips and of Cullumbine, and all for Corins sake? But Corin he had Hawkes to lure, and forced more the field: Of Louers law he tooke no cure, (20) for once hee was beguild. Harpalus preuailed naught, his labour all was lost: For he was furthest from her thought, and yet he lou’d her most. (25) Therefore woxe he both pale and leane, and dry as clod of clay: His flesh it was consumed cleane, his colour gone away.