Homely breasts doe harbour quiet, (30) little feare, and micklegreat solace: States suspect their bed and diet, feare and craft doe haunt the Pallace. Little would I, little want I, where the minde and store agreeth, (35) Smallest comfort is not scantiescarce , least he longs that little seeth. Time hath beene that I haue longed, foolish I, to like of folly: To conuerse where honour thronged, (40) to my pleasures linked wholy.
Now I see, and seeing sorrow that the day consum’d, returnes not: Who dare trust vpon to morrow, when nor time, nor life soiournesreside, stay not?
FINIS. Thom. Lodge.
¶ Perigot and Cuddies Roundelay . + Roundelay: competitive singing of a short song with refrains; forms part of the ‘August’ eclogue, printed in The Shepheardes Calender (1579-97), sigs H3-I2, where it is a roundelay between Perigot and Willy, judged by Cuddie, whereas in this version the speech-tags at the beginning of each line are omitted. Rollins points out that this version follows the 1597 edition. Also cited in Abraham Fraunce, The Lawiers Logicke (1588), fols. 15v, 19, 41v-42, 48; Webbe, Discourse of English Poetrie (1586), sig. F4. Imitated by A pastoral song between Phillis and Amarillis, two nymphs, each answering other line for line *. Author: Edmund Spenser . Structure (May/Ringler): 72: 9×8 (excerpt)
I T fell vpon a holy-Eue, +sung by Perigot, who then sings the alternate lines hey hoe holy-day: +sung by Willy, who then sings the alternate lines When holy-Fathers wont to shriuehear confessions and absolve sins , now ginneth this Roundelay. (5) Sitting vpon a hill so hie, hey hoe the high hill: The while my Flock did feede thereby, the while the Shepheards selfe did spilldissipate himself (through falling in love) .