(100) Ye Shepheards daughters that dwell on the greene, Hye you there a pace, Let none come there but such as Virgins beene, To adorne her Grace. And when you come where as she is in place: (105) See that your rudenesse doe not you disgrace. Bind your Fillets fast, And gird on your wast, For more finenesse, with a Tawdrie lace.
Now rise vp Eliza, decked as thou art, (110) In royall ray: And now ye dainty Damsels may depart Each one her way. I feare I haue troubled your troupes too long: Let dame Eliza thanke you for her Song. (115) And if you come hether, When Damzins I gather I will part them all, you among.
FINIS. Edm. Spencer.