Roabe which heauens Queene, the bride of her owne bro-|(ther, +(70) Would grace herselfe with, or with such another.
Who euer (and who else but Ioue ) embroidered the same, He knew the world, and what did moue, in all the mightie frame. (75) So well (belike his skill to proue) the counterfeits he wrought: +Of Wood-Gods, and of euery Groue, and all which else was ought. Is there a beast, a bird, a fish worth note? (80) Then that he drew, and pictur’d in her coate.
A vaile of Lawne like vapour thin vnto her anckle trailes: Through which the shapes discerned bin, as too and fro it sailes. (85) Shapes both of men, who neuer linto search her wonders out: Of Monsters and of Gods a kin, which her empale about. A little world her flowing garment seemes: (90) And who but as a wonder thereof deemes?