Take me to thee, and thee to me, No, no, no, no, my Deere, let be.
Sweete (alas) why faine you thus? Concord better fitteth vs. (45) Leaue to Mars + the force of hands, Your power in your beauty stands. Take me to thee, and thee to me: No, no, no, no, my Deare, let be.
Woe to me, and you doe sweare (50) Me to hate, but I forbeare, Cursed be my destinies all, That brought me to so high a fall. Soone with my death I will please thee: No, no, no, no, my Deare, let be.
FINIS. S. Phil. Sidney.
¶ A Shepheards Edillion. +
Y Ou Shepheards which on hillocks sit, like Princes in their Thrones: And guide your Flocks, which else would flityour flocks of little ones: (5) Good Kings haue not disdained it, but Shepheards haue beene named: +A sheepe-hooke is a Scepter fit, for people well reclaimed.