Better place no wit can finde, Cupids yoake to loose or binde, (15) These sweet flowers on fine bed too, +Vs in their best language woo, Take me to thee, and thee to me: No, no, no, no, my Deere, let be.
This small light the Moone bestowes, (20) Serues thy beames but to enclose, So to raise my hap more hie, Feare not else, none can vs spie. Take me to thee, and thee to me: No, no, no, no, my Deare, let be.
(25) That you heard was but a Mouse, Dumbe sleepe holdeth all the house, Yet a-sleepe me thinks they say, Young folkes, take time while you may. +Take me to thee, and thee to me: (30) No, no, no, no, my Deare, let be.