Songs. | Authors. |
Faustus and Firmius sing to their Nimph by turnes. | Bar. Yong. |
Sireno a Shepheard, having a locke of his faire Nimphs, wrapt about with greene silke, mournes in a Loue-Dittie. |
Sir. Phil. Sidney. |
A Song betweene Taurilius and Diana, answering verse for verse. | Ba. Yong. |
Another Song before her Maiestie at Oxford, sung by a comely Shepheard, at- tended on by sundry other Shepheards and Nimphs. |
Anonimus. |
The Shepheards Song: a Caroll or Himne for Christmas. | E.B. |
Arsileus his Caroll, for joy of the new mariage, betweene Syrenus and Diana. | Bar. Yong. |
Philistus farewell to false Clorinda. | Out of M. Morleyes Madrigals. |
Rosalindes Madrigall. | Thom. Lodge. |
A Dialogue Song between Syluanus and Arsilius. | Bar. Yong. |
Montanus Sonnet. | S. E. D. |
The Heard-mans happie life. | Out of M. Birds set Songs. |
Cinthia the Nimph, her Song to faire Polydora. | Bar. Yong. |
The Shepheard to the Flowers. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheard Arsilius his Song to his Rebeck. | Bar. Yong. |
Another of Astrophell to his Stella. | Sir. Phil. Sidney. |
Syrenus his Song to Dianaes Flockes. | Bar. Yong. |
To Amarilius. | Out of M. Birds set Songs. |
Cardenia the Nimph, to her false Shepheard Faustus. | Bar. Yong. |
Of Phillida. | Out of M. Birds fet Songs. |
Melisea her Song, in scorne of her Shepheard Narcissus. | Bar. Yong. |
His answere to the Nimphs Song. | Bar.Yong. |
Her present answere again to him. | Bar. Yong. |
His last replie. | Bar. Yong. |
Philon the Shepheard, his Song. | Out of M. Birds set Songs. |
Lycoris the Nimph, her sad Song. | Out of M. Morleyes Madrigals. |
To his Flockes. | Ignoto. |
To his Loue. | Ignoto. |
Another to his Cynthia. | Ignoto. |
Montanus Sonnet in the Woods. | S. E. D. |
The Shepheards sorrow, being disdained in Loue. | Thom. Lodge. |
A Pastorall Song betweene Phillis and Amarillis, two Nimphs, each answering other line for line. |
H. C. |
The Shepheards Antheme. | Mich. Drayton. |
The Countesse of Pembrokes Pastorall. | Shep. Tonie. |