Songs. | Authors. |
The Shepheards resolution in Loue | Thom. Watson. |
Coridons Hymne in praise of Amarillis. | T. B. |
The Shepheard Carillo his Song. | Bar. Yong. |
Corins dreame of his faire Chloris. | W. S. |
The Shepheard Damons passion. | Thom. Lodge. |
The Shepheard Musidorus his complaint. | S. Phil. Sidney |
The Shepheards braule, one halfe answering the other. | S. Phil. Sidney. |
Dorus his comparisons. | S. Phil. Sidney. |
The Shepheard Faustus his Song. | Bar. Yong. |
Another of the same, by Firmius the Shepheard. | Bar. Yong. |
Damelus Song to his Diaphenia. | H. C. |
The Shepheard Eurymachus to his faire Shepheard Mirimida. | Ro. Greene. |
The Shepheard Firmius his Song. | Bar. Yong. |
The Shepheards praise of his sacred Diana. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheards dumpe. | S. E. D. |
The Nimph Dianaes Song. | Bar. Yong. |
Rowlands Madrigall. | Michaell Drayton. |
Alanius the Shepheard, his dolefull Song, complaining of Ismeniaes crueltie. | Bar. Yong. |
Montana the Shepheard, his loue to Aminta. | Shep. Tonie. |
The Shepheards sorrow for his Phaebes disdaine. | I. F. |
Espilus and Therion, their contention in Song for the May-Lady. | Sir. Phil. Sidney. |
Olde Melibeus Song, courting his Nimph. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheard Syluanus his Song. | Bar. Yong. |
Coridons Song. | Thom. Lodge. |
The Shepheards Sonnet. | Rich. Barnefield. |
Seluagia and Siluanus, their songs to Diana. | Bar. Yong. |
Montanus his Madrigall. | Ro. Greene. |
Astrophell to Stella, his third Song. | Sir. Phil. Sidney. |
A Song betweene Syrenus and Syluanus. | Bar. Yong. |
Ceres Song in emulation of Cinthia. | Ignoto. |
A Pastoral Ode to an honourable friend. | E. B. |
A Nimphs disdaine of Loue. | Ignoto. |
Apollos Loue Song for faire Daphne. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheard Delicius his Dittie. | Bar. Yong. |
Amintas for his Phillis. | Tho. Watson |