Songs. | Authors. |
Harpalus complaint on Phillidaes loue bestowed on Corin, who loued her not, and denyed him that loued her. |
L.T. Howard, Earle of Surrie. |
Another of the same subiect, but made as it were in answere. | Shep. Tonie. |
The Nimphes meeting their May Queene, entertaine her with this Dittie. | Tho. Watson. |
Colin Cloutes mournefull Dittie for the death of Astrophell. | Edm. Spen. |
Damaetas Iigge in praise of his Loue. | Iohn Wootton. |
Montanus praise of his faire Phaebe. | Thom. Lodge. |
The complaint of Thestilis the forsaken Shepheard. | L.T. Howard, Earle of Surrie. |
To Phillis the faire Shepheardesse. | S.E.D. |
The Shepheard Dorons Iigge. | Ro. Greene. |
Astrophell his Song of Phillida and Coridon. | N. Breton. |
The passionate Shepheards Song. | W. Shakespeare. |
The unknowne Shepheards complaint. | Ignoto. |
Another of the same Shepheards. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheards allusion of his owne amorous infelicitie, to the offence of Actaeon. |
T. Watson. |
Montanus Sonnet to hi faire Phaebe. | Thom. Lodge. |
Phaebes Sonnet, a reply to Montanus passions. | Thom. Lodge. |
Coridons supplication to Phillis. | N. Breton. |
Damaetas Madrigall in praise of his Daphnis. | I. Wootton. |
Dorons description of his faire Shepheardesse Samela. | Ro. Greene. |
Wodenfrides Song in praise of Amargana. | W.H. |
Another of the same. | W.H. |
An excellent Pastorall Dittie. | Shep. Tonie. |
Philliades Loue-call to her Coridon, and his replying. | Ignoto. |
The Shepheards solace. | Tho. Watson. |
Syrenus Song to Eugerius. | Bar. Yong. |
The Shepheards Arsileus reply to Syrenus Song . | Bar. Yong. |
A Shepheards dreame. | N. Breton. |
The Shepheards Ode. | Rich. Barnefield. |
The Shepheards commendation of his Nimph. | Earle of Oxenford. |
Coridon to his Phillis. | S. E. Dyer. |
The Shepheards description of Loue. | Ignoto. |
To his Flockes. | H. C. |
A Roundelay betweene two Shepheards. | Michaell Drayton. |
The solitary Shepheards Song. | Thom. Lodge. |