Paradise of Dainty Devises – Table of Contents

The paradise of daintie deuises. Containyng sundrie pithie preceptes, learned counsailes and excellent inuentions: right pleasant and profitable for al estates. Deuised and written for the most parte, by M. Edwardes, sometime of her Maiesties chappell: the rest by sundry learned gentlemen, both of honor and worship, whose names hereafter followe. The paradise of daintie deuises. Containyng sundrie pithie preceptes, learned counsailes and excellent inuentions: right pleasant and profitable for al estates. Deuised and written for the most parte, by M. Edwardes, sometime of her Maiesties chappell: the rest by sundry learned gentlemen, both of honor and worship, whose names hereafter followe.

Table of Contents