Handful sig. Dviiv

[sig. Dviiv]

But now disdaime, dooth breede my paine, and thou canst not denie: But that I loued thee ouer well: that caused me to die. (25) The hound that serues his Maisters will, in raunging here and there, The moyling Horse, that labours still, his burthen great to beare In lew of paine, receiues againe, (30) of him which did him owe: +As Natures heast, wiles most and least them thankefull for to showe. +¶ The Lyon and the Tyger fierce, as Nature doth them binde: (35) For loue, like loue repay againe: in Stories we doo finde:: Those beasts &c birds both wild and tame, of frendships lore can tell: But thy reply, willes me to die. (40) that loued thee ouer well. ¶ Therfore, my deare and Darling faire, ensample take by those, Which equally with loue againe, their louing mindes dispose: (45) And giue him glee, whose death we see approcheth very nie: Without he gaine, to ease his paine, which loued thee hartely. ¶ Then shall they say that see the same, (50) where euer that they goe: