EnglandsHelicon D1v


¶ Olde Damons Pastorall. +

F Rom Fortunes frownes and change remou’d, wend silly Flocks in blessed feeding: None of Damon + more belou’d, feede gentle Lambs while I sit reading.
(5) Carelesse worldlings + outrage quelleth all the pride and pompe of Cittie: But true peace with Sheepheards dwelleth, (Sheepheards who delight in pittie.) Whether grace of heauen betideth, (10) on our humble minds such pleasure: Perfect peace with Swaines abideth, loue and faith is Sheepheards treasure. On the lower Plaines the thunder little thriues, and nought preuaileth: (15) Yet in Citties breedeth wonder, and the highest hills assaileth. +
Enuie of a forraigne Tyrant threatneth Kings, not Sheepheards humble: Age makes silly Swaines delirant, (20) thirst of rule garres great men stumble. What to other seemeth sorrie, abiect state and humble biding: Is our ioy and Country glorie, highest states haue worse betiding. (25) Golden cups doo harbour poyson, +and the greatest pompe, dissembling: Court of seasoned + words hath foyson, treason haunts in most assembling.
Homely breasts doo harbour quiet, (30) little feare, and mickle solace: States suspect their bed and diet, feare and craft doo haunt the Pallace.