EnglandsHelicon M1v


For thee I doo suffise: Because in this I haue beene bred, But for so much as I haue fed By viewing thee, mine eyes; (15) Commaund not me to keepe thy beast: Because my selfe I can keepe least.
How can I keepe, I pre-thee tell, Thy Kine, my selfe that cannot well defend, nor please thy kinde(20) As long as I haue serued thee? But if thou wilt giue vnto me a kisse to please my minde: I aske no more for all my paine, And I will keepe them very faine.
(25) For thee, the gift is not so great That I doo aske, to keepe thy Neate, but vnto me it is A guerdon, that shall make me liue. Disdaine not then to lend, or giue (30) so small a gift as this. But if to it thou canst not frame: Then giue me leaue to take the same.
But if thou doost (my sweet) denie To recompence me by and by, (35) thy promise shall relent me: Heere-after some reward to finde, Behold how I doo please my minde, and fauours doo content me, That though thou speak’st it but in iest: (40) I meane to take it at the best.
Behold how much loue works in me; And how ill recompenc’d of thee that with the shadow of Thy happy fauours (though delay’d)