EnglandsHelicon P3v


Which did show There below Legges as white as Whales bone, So white and chast was neuer none.
(25) Hard by her vpon the ground, Sate her Virgins in a round, Bathing their Golden haire, And singing all in notes hie: (30) Fie on Venus flattering eye.
Fie on Loue, it is a toy, Cupid witlesse, and a boy, All his fires, And desires, (35) Are plagues that God sent from on hie: To pester men with miserie.
As thus the Virgins did disdaine Louers ioy and Louers paine, Cupid nie (40) Did espie Greeuing at Dianaes Song, Slily stole these Maydes among.
His bowe of steele, darts of fire, He shot amongst them sweete desire, (45) Which straite flies In their eyes, And at the entraunce made them start, For it ranne from eye to hart.
Calisto straite supposed loue, (50) Was faire and frollique for to loue. Dian she, Scap’d not free, For well I wote heere-vpon, She lou’d the Swaine Endimion.