EnglandsHelicon C2v


He blusht to see an other Sunne below, Ne durst againe his fierie face out-show: Let him if he dare His brighnes compare (45) With hers, to haue the ouerthrow.
Shew thy selfe Cinthia with thy siluer rayes, And be not abasht, When she the beames of her beauty displayes, Oh how art thou dasht? (50) But I will not match her with Latonaes seede, +Such folly great sorrow to Niobe did breede, Now is she a stone, And makes deadly moane, Warning all other to take heede.
(55) Pan may be proud, that euer he begot Such a Bellibone: And Sirinx reioyce, that euer was her lot To beare such a one. Soone as my Younglings cryen for the dam, (60) To her will I offer a milke-white Lamb. Shee is my Goddesse plaine, And I her Sheepheards Swaine, Albe for-swonck and for-swat I am.
I see Caliope speede her to the place, (65) Where my Goddesse shines: And after her the other Muses trace With their Violines. Bin they not Baie-braunches which they doo beare: All for Eliza in her hand to weare? (70) So sweetly they play, And sing all the way, That it a heauen is to heare.
Loe how finely the Graces can it foote, to the Instrument: