EnglandsHelicon2 N8v


on these our earthly bodies here: But with our soules deale not they may, the God of loue doth hold them deere. (35) He is most meet to rule true loue.
I know, said shee, tis worse then hell, when Parents choise must please our eyes: Great hurt comes thereby, I can tell, forc’d loue in desperate danger dies. (40) Faire Maid, then fancie thy true loue.
If wee, quoth hee, might see the houre, of that sweet state which neuer ends, Our heauenly gree might haue the power, to make our Parents as deere freends. (45) All ranckour yeelds to soueraigne loue.
Then God of loue, + said she, consent, and shew some wonder of thy power: Our Parents, and our owne content, may be confirmde by such an houre, (50) Graunt greatest God to further loue.
The Fathers, who did alwaies tend, when thus they got their priuate walke, As happy fortune chaunc’d to send, vnknowne to each, heard all this talke. (55) Poore soules to be so crost in loue.
Behinde the hills whereon they sate, they lay this while and listned all: