EnglandsHelicon2 M5v


(25) Loue ye who list, I force him not, Sith God it wot The more I waile: The lesse my sighs and teares preuaile. What shall I doe, but say therefore, (30) hey hoe, chill loue no more?

FINIS. Out of M. Birds set Songs.

¶ Cardenia the Nimph, to her false Shep-
Faustus. +

F Austus, if thou wilt reade from me These few and simple lines, By them most clearely thou shalt see, How little should accounted be (5) Thy faigned words and signes. For noting well thy deedes vnkinde, Shepheard, thou must not scan: That euer it came to my minde, To praise thy faith like to the winde, (10) Or for a constant man.
For this in thee shall so be found, As smoake blowne in the aire: +Or like Quick-siluer turning round, Or as a house built on the ground (15) Of sands that doe impaire. To firmenesse thou art contrarie, +