EnglandsHelicon P1v


If that it might be lost with me, (20) Or die when life is lost.

FINIS. Bar. Yong.

¶Coridons Song. +

A Blithe and bonny Country-Lasse, heigh hoe bonny-Lasse, Sate sighing on the tender grasse, and weeping sayd: will none come woo me? (5) A smicker Boy, a lither Swaine, heigh hoe a smicker Swaine: That in his loue was wanton faine, with smiling lookes straite came vnto her.
When as the wanton Wench espied, (10) heigh hoe when she espied, The meanes to make her selfe a Bride, she simpred smooth like bonnie-bell: The Swaine that sawe her squint-eyed kinde, heigh hoe squint-eyed kinde, (15) His armes about her body twin’d and sayd, Faire Lasse, how fare ye, well?
The Country-Kit sayd, well forsooth, heigh hoe well forsooth, But that I haue a longing tooth, (20) a longing tooth that makes me crie: Alas (said he) what garres thy greefe, heigh hoe what garres thy greefe? A wound (quoth she) without releefe, I feare a mayde that I shall die.
(25) If that be all, the Sheepheard sayd, heigh hoe the Sheepheard sayd,